Dr. Darlene Treese
PO Box 547
Windermere, FL 34786
(480) 296-3358

New Office Address
2295 S. Hiawassee Rd, Suite 309
Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: 407-278-1598 Fax:407-203-0803

November Newsletter

Every Monday Read the Weekly News You Can Use

Office Address
2295 S. Hiawassee Rd, Suite 309
Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: 407-278-1598


Dr. Darlene Treese
PO Box 547
Windermere, FL 34786
Cell/Text (480) 296-3358

Every Monday Read the Weekly News You Can Use

Ways to Increase your Gratitude

  • Before your feet touch the floor each morning, focus on the bounty right where you are: a warm bed, another day, a body to serve you.

  • Before you close your eyes at night, think of the best thing that happened to you that day, and be grateful for it.

  • Try to stay mindful of the present moment. No matter what is going on, most of us are safe and know where our next meal is coming from.

  • Make a daily list of 5 things for which you are grateful, no matter how insignificant they seem.

The practice of gratitude means acknowledging that we are beneficiaries of life. We do not put the chicken in the egg or the oak tree in the acorn, but are merely recipients of those gifts. Research suggests that grateful people are better able to cope with stress and have stronger immune systems than those who primarily focus on illness or problems.


We Gotta Laugh

... and Dream!

Having a positive, grateful attitude does NOT mean denying or ignoring problems. Like infections, trauma tends to fester and make us ill if it is ignored or minimized. I take a balanced, healthy approach that deals with both the past events AND the present thinking patterns that contribute to current problems. Many years of study, internships, licensures, and experience qualifies me to help you find a more peaceful and grateful life, free from your past. Are you ready to begin?

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Dr. Darlene Treese has been in private practice in hypnosis and counseling since 1983. She has been internationally acknowledged for her positive action and solution-based therapies with individuals, groups and corporations. "A person for the people," Dr. Dar is always available to help you get a grip on life, health and happiness.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment for an office visit, email or telephone consultation - (480) 296-3358 - or click on Contact Us to send an email.