My Credentials:
PRESIDENT | American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association | |
QUALIFICATIONS | Thirty-three years’ experience in education,
counseling, and public speaking Established private practice | |
Disaster Mental Health Counselor/Psychological First Aid Training,American Red Cross, 2017 Certified Discernment Counselor Training for Couples in Crisis,Doherty Relationship Institute, University of Minnesota, 2015 Certified Sexual Recovery Therapist, American Association of SexAddiction Therapy, 2014 Qualified Supervisor Mental Health Counseling, State of Florida, 2013 Certificate Training in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Levels 1 and 2, 2013 Couples Counseling Prepare/Enrich Assessments Certified Facilitator, 2013 Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida, 2006 Certificate in Mediation and Dispute Resolution, Maricopa County Superior Court - 1995 Certificate in Gambling Addictions Treatment - 1994 Certified/Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Arizona - Board of Behavioral Health Examiners - 1993 Ph.D. in Psychology - 1987 William Lyon University Certificate in Advanced Clinical Hypnosis - 1984 (Dr. Sandra Sylvester, Dept. of Anesthesiology @ University of Arizona Medical Center) Masters in Counseling - 1981 ASU Masters in Education - 1979 ASU Bachelors in Education - 1975 Summa Cum Laude, ASU | |
RELATED ACHIEVEMENTS | Developed keen awareness of the
nature of human personality and the dynamics of behavior
Evaluated and adapted a wide variety of theories, materials, and techniques to individual and group educational and counseling needs Implemented workshops in all areas of personal growth, stress management, communication skills, and creative development Participated in the continuous development, refinement, implementation and modification of curriculum and instructional programs (Kindergarten through post-graduate and adult education) Author of: Fast Track To Goal Achievement The Legacy I Leave Living Through Loss The Divorce Survival Kit The Spiritual Path To Prosperity Selected as biographee in Who's Who In The West Personalities Of The West and Midwest Directory Of Distinguished Americans International Who's Who Of Intellectuals International Who's Who Of Professionals | |
Private Practice and Consulting | |
PERSONAL | Darlene has aligned her practice closely
with the medical field to offer healing of body, mind and spirit in
a holistic health setting. She has also been internationally
recognized for her seminars and trainings in communication skills,
stress management, and dispute resolutions for corporations. Personal qualities: poise, good judgment, maturity, perceptiveness, intuition, empathy, imaginativeness, humor, practicality, organization, ability to avoid self-preoccupation, advanced therapy and speaking skills. |