Dr. Darlene Treese
PO Box 547
Windermere, FL 34786
(480) 296-3358

New Office Address
2295 S. Hiawassee Rd,
Suite 309
Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: 407-278-1598 Fax:407-203-0803

Dr. Dar's Weekly News You Can Use:

Fired Up and Ready To Go
Some Tips For Waking Up Refreshed

Open the curtains and let the sun shine in. If it's still dark, turn on the lights rather than dressing in the dark. Your body's internal clock is sensitive to light and dark, so bask in the light of a brand new day. Likewise, make the room as dark as possible when you go to sleep.

Forget the snooze button. The extra few minutes will be poor quality sleep and will leave you sluggish and rushing to be on time. Make the bed as soon as you rise with a whimsical "there's no going back now, so I'll make it a great day."

Eat a breakfast of high fiber and protein (this will also help you lose weight). Forget the coffee until a bit later and let movement, light and time be your stimulants rather than caffeine.

Don't go to bed with a tired body and a racing mind. Take a few moments to relax and unwind - listen to music or meditate or listen to a relaxation or self-hypnosis CD. This will allow your sleep to be more restful.

Get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night - especially when you are busy and consider yourself to be a multi-tasking genius. Better ideas and creative solutions will come to you when your mind and body have been rested and refreshed. Skip the naps and falling asleep in front of the tv.

If your sleep is interrupted by chronic pain or sleep apnea or if you're not sure what the problem is, seek medical help. Sleep is important for your cells to regenerate, your mind to be rested and your spirits to be lifted. Taking good care of yourself is the best thing that you can do for your health, your career and your relationships

Next Week: Help For the Chronically Late